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RESTful API Reference

Are you a developer? Tasty Alerts can easily integrate with your system.
Our simple RESTful API library will make your integration a simple task.
Contact us to help you with your project.

API Endpoint

All API URLs listed in this documentation are relative to https://tastyalerts.com/api/v1/. For example, the /auth API call is reachable at https://tastyalerts.com/api/v1/auth

Base Url:       https://tastyalerts.com/api/v1/


The Tasty Alerts API is a mostly RESTful API.

All API calls should be made with HTTP POST or GET.

You can consider any non-200 HTTP response code an error - the returned data will contain more detailed information.

All methods are accessed via: https://tastyalerts.com/api/v1/SOME-METHOD.

Passing Request Data

Request data is passed to the API by POSTing objects and values to the API endpoints with the appropriate parameters. In other words, you are sending HTTP parameters, just like submitting an HTML FORM. The documentation for each API call will contain more detail on the parameters accepted by the call.

Output Formats

We support various output formats. To use any of them, simply include a parameter named OUTPUT with the desired output type:

JSON (default)


The response data for each call will the be encoded in the specified format. Regardless of the output format desired, inputs are only accepted as JSON objects or HTTP POST parameters.

Questions? Problems?

Have you run into difficulties or a method just doesn't seem to work right? Email our API Support team and we'll be happy to assist you.

Authentication via username/password. The AUTH call returns a valid temporary access token and/or extends current token's validity. All temporary tokens are only valid for 12 hours from last time it was validated. This token allows access to all API calls and apply only to an individual location.

Each location also has a Permanent API key token which does not expire. You may use the permanent API token key located in the Tasty Alerts restaurant dashboard under Settings. If you have trouble locating or need to request a permanent Token, please contact us at info@tastyalerts.com. If you use the Permanent API key token, you do not need to use the AUTH call.

Method: POST


userid (string)
Authentication login email

password (string)
Authentication password

token (string)
Token to be re-validated

output (string)
Return format: JSON (default) | XML


result (string)
0: Failed authentication | 1: Successful authentication

token (string)
Temporary token key to authenticate other API calls

compid (string)
Company ID (For Reference Purpose)

POST https://tastyalerts.com/api/v1/auth?userid=[userid]&password=[password]&output=[json|xml]

Access and update master products information. Products have to be added to this master list before they can be added to location product list.

Method: POST, GET


token (string)
Required valid API key token

action (string)

itemid (string)
Item ID. Required for action: DELETE

data (string)
JSON data string. Required for action: NEW, UPDATE

output (string)
Return format: JSON (default) | XML

ACTION = [blank] or GET

Returns product list. See Returned Object Definition below for details of returned fields.

GET https://tastyalerts.com/api/v1/menu?token=[token]


Creates new items into the products table. Must submit via POST method and include the "data" parameter with a valid JSON string. Your JSON must contain the array under property "data".

Returns a JSON string with number of products created and failed.

POST https://tastyalerts.com/api/v1/menu?token=[token]&action=NEW&data=[json string]

Sample JSON data:

	  "c_category":"MAIN MENU",
	  "c_category":"MAIN MENU",
	  "c_subcat":"PUB SNACKS",
	  "c_imgloc":"http:\/\/www.crmboost.com\/files\/10010634\/FRIED BREAD AND BUTTER PICKLES_fried-pickles.jpg",


Updates the products table. Must submit via POST method and include the "data" parameter with a valid JSON string. Your JSON must contain the array under property "data". Your JSON string must include values for ITEMID and/or SYNCID. You can omit ITEMID and update based on your SYNCID. ITEMID supersedes SYNCID, and if both are provided, the SYNCID value will be overwritten.

Returns a JSON string with number of products updated and failed.

POST https://tastyalerts.com/api/v1/menu?token=[token]&action=UPDATE&data=[json string]

Sample JSON data:

	  "c_category":"MAIN MENU",
	  "c_category":"MAIN MENU",
	  "c_subcat":"PUB SNACKS",
	  "c_imgloc":"http:\/\/www.crmboost.com\/files\/10010634\/FRIED BREAD AND BUTTER PICKLES_fried-pickles.jpg",


Deletes a product.

POST https://tastyalerts.com/api/v1/menu?token=[token]&itemid=[itemid]

Returns a JSON string with success and failed.

Returned Object definition:

count (float)
Number of rows of data returned.
rows (array)
Products details object
itemid (string)
Unique Product ID assigned by Tasty Alerts, must be included in data for UPDATE action and used as parameter for DELETE action.
syncid (string)
Unique reference ID used for linking to external services such as POS, ERP, and Shopping carts.
itemdesc (string)
Name of the product.
bldesc (string)
Long description of product. HTML tags allowed.
price (string)
Price of product. NOTE: Submit as string. Invalid values will default to 0.
c_category (string)
Product category.
c_subcat (string)
Product sub-category.
c_imgloc (string)
Product image URL location.
forsale (string)
Enables and disables a product for sale. Valid values: [Y|N]
taxrate (string)
Tax rate for item. Must be entered in decimals format. Ex. 0.07 for 7%, 0.065 for 6.5%.
sort (string)
Sort order for product display. Ex. 10, 20, 30, 40. Usually group same value for similar category products.
created (string)
Product created date/time stamp.
modified (string)
Product last modified date/time stamp.

Access and update products options information. Products have to be added to this master list before any options can be added.

Method: POST, GET


token (string)
Required valid API key token

action (string)

itemid (string)
Item ID. Required only for action: DELETE

data (string)
JSON data string. Required for action: POST

output (string)
Return format: JSON (default) | XML

ACTION = [blank] or GET

Returns product list. See Returned Object Definition below for details of returned fields.

GET https://tastyalerts.com/api/v1/menu/options?token=[token]


Creates new options or modifiers for items, such as extras and choices, etc. Must submit via POST method and include the "data" parameter with a valid JSON string. Your JSON must contain the array under property "data".

Returns a JSON string with number of products created and failed.

POST https://tastyalerts.com/api/v1/menu/options?token=[token]&action=NEW&data=[json string]

Sample JSON data:

		"optgroup":"Choose Sauce",
		"optgroup":"Choose Sauce",

		"optgroup":"Choose Sauce",

		"optgroup":"How do you want your meat?",
		"option":"Well Done",

		"optgroup":"How do you want your meat?",



Deletes a product's options.

POST https://tastyalerts.com/api/v1/menu/options?token=[token]&itemid=[itemid]

Returns a JSON string with success and failed.

Returned Object definition:

count (float)
Number of rows of data returned.
rows (array)
Products details object
itemid (string)
Unique Product ID assigned by Tasty Alerts, used as parameter for DELETE action. Also used as property in the "data" object.
syncid (string)
Unique reference ID used for linking to external services such as POS, ERP, and Shopping carts.
optgroup (string)
Grouping name or category for the option types. Options are grouped by this string value. Make sure it's the same for all options that need to be grouped together for each product.
opttype (string)
Type of option. D - Drop down, C - Checkbox, R - Radio Button, P - Pizza ingredient
option (string)
Option value. Ex. Well Done, Extra cheese, etc.
price (string)
Price of option if any. Ex. 1.50, 0
optsyncid (string)
External options ID from third party POS, ERP, etc.
sortid (string)
Number value for sorting. Must be the same for each option group.

Returns orders header information. You may specify a date range for the query. If no date range is provided, the query will return only orders for current day. See returned object definition below for details of fields. To retrieve individual order detail, use /orders/detail call.

Method: GET


token (string)
Required valid API key token

fdate (string)
(OPTIONAL) Start date to filter by date range. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

tdate (string)
(OPTIONAL) End date to filter by date range. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

output (string)
Return format: JSON (default) | XML

GET https://tastyalerts.com/api/v1/orders?token=[token]&fdate=[from date/time]&tdate=[to date/time]

Returns a JSON string with data orders header summary.

Sample JSON data returned:

         "customer":"Mario Suarez",
         "address1":"2084 sw 26th St",
         "address2":"Apt. 123",
         "address3":"Silver Lakes",
         "city":"Pembroke Pines",
         "pterms":"CREDIT CARD",
         "pstatus":"PAID ONLINE",
         "notes":"\rTransaction Approved: 055513 / Trans #691466715",
         "customer":"Mary Smith",
         "address1":"12234 SW 18st.",
         "address3":"Silver Lakes",
         "city":"Pembroke Pines",

Returned Object Definition:

count (float)
Number of rows of data returned.
rows (object)
Orders list object
orderid (string)
Unique Order ID generated by Tasty Alerts, used for retrieving order detail information.
status (string)
custno (string)
Customer ID.
customer (string)
Customer name on order.
phone (string)
Phone entered on order.
email (string)
Customer registered email.
address1 (string)
Address line 1 entered on order.
address2 (string)
Address line 2 entered on order.
address3 (string)
Address line 3 entered on order.
address4 (string)
Address line 4 entered on order.
city (string)
City entered on order.
state (string)
State entered on order.
zip (string)
Zip code entered on order
country (string)
Country entered on order.
shipvia (string)
Method of shipment: PICKUP or DELIVERY.
pterms (string)
Payment terms for order: CASH | CREDIT CARD
pstatus (string)
Payment status: PAID ONLINE | COLLECT
notes (string)
Notes on order.
tax (string)
Total tax on order.
ordamt (string)
Order amount total.
created (string)
Date/time order was created.
required (string)
Date/time order is required.

Access order detail information.

Method: GET


token (string)
Required valid API key token

orderid (string)
Required order id

output (string)
Return format: JSON (default) | XML

GET https://tastyalerts.com/api/v1/orders/detail?token=[token]&orderid=[orderid]

Sample JSON data returned:

         "customer":"Manuel Suarez",
         "address1":"286 nw 16th St",
         "address2":"Apt. 12",
         "address3":"Silver Lakes",
         "city":"Pembroke Pines",
         "pterms":"CREDIT CARD",
         "pstatus":"PAID ONLINE",
         "notes":"\rTransaction Approved: 055513 / Trans #691466715",
               "descrip":"BUFFALO CHICKEN CHEESE PHILLY SUB",
               "notes":"Add Fries\rWhole wheat bread\rNO blue cheese",
               "descrip":"NY STYLE (MEDIUM)",
               "notes":"* WHOLE * Pepperoni, Sausage\r",

Returned Object Definition:

count (float)
Number of rows of data returned.

header (object)
Order header information
orderid (string)
Unique Order ID generated by Tasty Alerts, used for retrieving order detail information.
status (string)
custno (string)
Customer ID.
customer (string)
Customer name on order.
phone (string)
Phone entered on order.
email (string)
Customer registered email.
address1 (string)
Address line 1 entered on order.
address2 (string)
Address line 2 entered on order.
address3 (string)
Address line 3 entered on order.
address4 (string)
Address line 4 entered on order.
city (string)
City entered on order.
state (string)
State entered on order.
zip (string)
Zip code entered on order
country (string)
Country entered on order.
shipvia (string)
Method of shipment: PICKUP or DELIVERY.
pterms (string)
Payment terms for order: CASH | CREDIT CARD
pstatus (string)
Payment status: PAID ONLINE | COLLECT
notes (string)
Notes on order.
tax (string)
Total tax on order.
ordamt (string)
Order amount total.
created (string)
Date/time order was created.
required (string)
Date/time order is required.

detail (object)
Order detail information
count (float)
Number of rows in order detail
itemid (string)
Item ID of product ordered.
syncid (string)
External ID of product ordered. Ex. POS id.
descrip (string)
Description of product ordered
notes (string)
Notes and instructions on product ordered. Includes all added options.
qtyord (string)
Quantity ordered.
price (string)
Unit price of product.
subtotal (string)
Sub-total before taxes.
taxrate (string)
Tax rate for product.
taxable (string)
Item Taxable: Y | N
tax (string)
Total tax for product ordered.
Total (string)
Extended total of product including taxes.

Updates the status of an order and triggers notifications accordingly.

Method: POST


token (string)
Required valid API key token

orderid (string)
Required: Order ID

newstatus (string)

time (string)
Time it will take for order to be ready. Required only when changing status to PROCESSING. Valid values: 0 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 | 40 | 45 | 60

POST https://tastyalerts.com/api/v1/orders/status?token=[token]&orderid=[order id]&newstatus=[new status]&time=[processing time]

Access customer information.

Method: GET


token (string)
Required valid API key token

action (string)

custno (string)
Customer ID. Required for action: GET, UPDATE, DELETE, EXTRA

output (string)
Return format: JSON (default) | XML

ACTION = [blank]

Returns a list of all customers./p>

GET https://tastyalerts.com/api/v1/customers?token=[token]


Returns details of a customer.

GET https://tastyalerts.com/api/v1/customers?token=[token]&action=GET&custno=[custno]

Returned Object Definition:

count (float)
Number of rows of data returned.
rows (array)
Customer details object
custno (string)
Unique Customer ID assigned by Tasty Alerts, used as parameter for GET action.
company (string)
Customer full name or company name.
contact (string)
Customer first name.
lastname (string)
Customer last name.
phone (string)
Customer phone number.
mobile (string)
Customer mobile number.
faxno (string)
Customer fax #
address1 (string)
Customer billing address line 1
address2 (string)
Customer billing address line 2
address3 (string)
Customer billing address line 3
address4 (string)
Customer billing address line 4
city (string)
Customer billing city
addrstate (string)
Customer billing state
zip (string)
Customer zip code
country (string)
Customer billing country
c_saddr1 (string)
Customer shipping address line 1
c_saddr2 (string)
Customer shipping address line 2
c_saddr3 (string)
Customer shipping address line 3
c_saddr4 (string)
Customer shipping address line 4
c_scity (string)
Customer shipping city
c_sstate (string)
Customer shipping state
c_szip (string)
Customer shipping zip code
c_scountry (string)
Customer shipping country
c_source (string)
Customer source
c_category (string)
Customer category
ref1 (string)
Customer reference 1
ref2 (string)
Customer reference 2
ref3 (string)
Customer reference 3
ref4 (string)
Customer reference 4
ref5 (string)
Customer reference 5
email (string)
Customer email address
ref1 (string)
Customer reference 1
ref2 (string)
Customer reference 2
ref3 (string)
Customer reference 3
ref4 (string)
Customer reference 4
ref5 (string)
Customer reference 5
adddate (string)
Customer create date
addtime (string)
Customer create time
lckdate (string)
Customer last modified date
lcktime (string)
Customer last modified time

Access vendor information.

Method: GET


token (string)
Required valid API key token

action (string)

vendno (string)
Vendor ID. Required for action: GET

output (string)
Return format: JSON (default) | XML

ACTION = [blank]

Returns a list of all vendors./p>

GET https://tastyalerts.com/api/v1/vendors?token=[token]


Returns details of a vendor.

GET https://tastyalerts.com/api/v1/vendors?token=[token]&action=GET&custno=[custno]

Returned Object Definition:

count (float)
Number of rows of data returned.
rows (array)
Vendors details object
custno (string)
Unique Vendor ID assigned by Tasty Alerts, used as parameter for GET action.
company (string)
Vendor full name or company name.
contact (string)
Vendor first name.
lastname (string)
Vendor last name.
phone (string)
Vendor phone number.
mobile (string)
Vendor mobile number.
faxno (string)
Vendor fax #
address1 (string)
Vendor address line 1
address2 (string)
Vendor address line 2
address3 (string)
Vendor address line 3
address4 (string)
Vendor address line 4
city (string)
Vendor city
addrstate (string)
Vendor state
zip (string)
Vendor zip code
country (string)
Vendor billing country
c_source (string)
Vendor source
c_category (string)
Vendor category
ref1 (string)
Vendor reference 1
ref2 (string)
Vendor reference 2
ref3 (string)
Vendor reference 3
ref4 (string)
Vendor reference 4
ref5 (string)
Vendor reference 5
email (string)
Vendor email address
ref1 (string)
Vendor reference 1
ref2 (string)
Vendor reference 2
ref3 (string)
Vendor reference 3
ref4 (string)
Vendor reference 4
ref5 (string)
Vendor reference 5
adddate (string)
Vendor create date
addtime (string)
Vendor create time
lckdate (string)
Vendor last modified date
lcktime (string)
Vendor last modified time

Send a push notification message to your iPhone and Android apps. This feature only applies to customers with a plan that includes your native iPhone and Android app.

Method: POST


token (string)
Required valid API key token

pushmsg (string)
Message to be pushed

POST https://tastyalerts.com/api/v1/pushnotify?token=[token]&pushmsg=[message]